Website, API, Container Registry, GitLab Pages, CI/CD - Hosted runners on Linux, Background Processing
Google Compute Engine, Digital Ocean
January 7, 2019 15:22 UTC
[Resolved] All systems are running normally. January 7, 2019 15:07 UTC
January 7, 2019 14:55 UTC
[Monitoring] and GitLab Pages are both operational. We are continuing to monitor the health of the stack. January 7, 2019 14:44 UTC
[Monitoring] While we bring back services on , the GitLab pages will have degraded performance for a short period of time. January 7, 2019 14:42 UTC
[Monitoring] We have repaired the database backends for and are continuing to monitor the health of the system. January 7, 2019 14:33 UTC
[Identified] We have identified an issue with our database VMs and are working on restoring service.