Repository storage nodes are downOperational


Website, API, Container Registry, GitLab Pages, CI/CD - Hosted runners on Linux, Background Processing


Google Compute Engine, Digital Ocean

December 22, 2018 00:06 UTC
[Resolved] git nodes are all operating normally. Summary and RCA will continued be updated on We apologize for the issues today.

December 21, 2018 22:18 UTC
[Monitoring] gitaly nodes have been restored. We will have a timeline on issue Currently all services should be back to operating normally.

December 21, 2018 21:59 UTC
[Monitoring] The service is partially restored, we are still monitoring the situation. Sorry for the inconvenience.

December 21, 2018 21:43 UTC
[Identified] Due to an engineering error, repository storage nodes were brought down, we are working on bringing them back up. No data is lost. More updates will follow in 15 minutes.

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